AOCD Life Membership

Life Membership

Life membership may be granted by the Board of Trustees to any active member who has reached the age of 70 years, and who has been a member in good standing for 25 consecutive years immediately preceding. Life members shall continue to have their previous category rights. Life members will pay reduced dues and assessments but are obligated to observe all Bylaws and administrative regulations of the College. Members interested in becoming life members must apply to the Membership Committee for status change which upon approval by the Board of Trustees, will be granted. Members who received Life status prior to January 1, 2022 shall be grandfathered and will not pay dues.


Life Member Application

Life Members of the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology

Earl U. Bachenberg, D.O. FAOCD

Anthony V. Benedetto, D.O. FAOCD

James D. Bernard, D.O. FAOCD

Roger C. Byrd, D.O. FAOCD

Anthony Cardellio, D.O. FAOCD

Roxana L. Chapman, D.O. FAOCD

Lloyd J. Cleaver, D.O. FAOCD

Edwin H. Cohen, D.O. FAOCD

Don U. Collier, D.O. FAOCD

Eugene T. Conte, D.O. FAOCD

Richard Diskin, D.O. FAOCD

Marc Epstein, D.O. FAOCD

David Eslicker, D.O. FAOCD

Monte Fox, D.O. FAOCD

James W. Franks, D.O. FAOCD

Shelly A. Friedman, D.O. FAOCD

Dudley W. Goetz, D.O. FAOCD

Jay Gottlieb, D.O. FAOCD

Gene E. Graff, D.O. FAOCD

Joel J. Harris, D.O. FAOCD

Mark E. Hatch, D.O. FAOCD

William F. Heckert, D.O. FAOCD

David C. Horowitz, D.O. FAOCD

Charles G. Hughes, D.O. FAOCD

Norman H. Ilowite, D.O. FAOCD

Richard Johnson, D.O. FAOCD

Howard S. Kessler, D.O. FAOCD

Stephen E.Kessler, D.O. FAOCD

Leslie Kramer, D.O. FAOCD
John B. Legere, D.O. FAOCD

Alex S. Macaione, D.O. FAOCD

Ronald C. Miller, D.O. FAOCD
Warren A. Peterson, D.O. FAOCD

Brian S. Portnoy, D.O. FAOCD

Alvin M. Pressman, D.O. FAOCD

Darel D. Pruett, D.O. FAOCD

Steven C. Roberts, D.O. FAOCD
Mark Rosenberg, D.O. FAOCD
Randi M. Rush, D.O. FAOCD

Virginia A. Schekorra, D.O. FAOCD

Saul E. Schreiber, D.O. FAOCD

Robert F. Schwarze, D.O. FAOCD

Michael J. Scott, D.O. FAOCD

Daniel B. Seff, D.O. FAOCD

Robert G. Shimmel, D.O. FAOCD

Geoffrey M. Siegel, D.O. FAOCD

Stanley E. Skopit, D.O. FAOCD
Daniel M. Stewart, D.O. FAOCD
Douglas M. Vaughn, D.O. FAOCD

Robert D. Verona, D.O. FAOCD

Marvin S. Watsky, D.O. FAOCD
Schield M. Wikas, D.O. FAOCD

Laurie M. Woll, D.O. FAOCD

Hyman Yee, D.O. FAOCD

Edward H. Yob, D.O. FAOCD
James W. Young, D.O. FAOCD


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