Student Membership FAQ

Notice: Effective January 1, 2025, AOCD Student Membership dues will increase to $100 annually. Membership renewals received prior to this date will be processed at the current rate.

AOCD Student Membership

Any osteopathic or allopathic medical student who is interested in pursuing a career in the field of dermatology shall be eligible to become a student member. This membership status may be maintained for a maximum of three years after a student graduates. Student members shall not be eligible to hold elective office or vote.

Opportunities are available to AOCD Student members who have been a member for six+ months or more with the AOCD. Students must be current on all dues in order to attend any live functions.  Students who are members of the AOCD will receive email invitations to special events.  

2025 Student Meet & Greet Information

How To Apply

New applications 

You cannot apply for new membership online, so new applications must be completed and mailed to the AOCD or emailed  (scanned documents must be legible). Faxed applications will not be accepted!  Hand Written documents are not accepted.  CV's and photos must be included in the application.  Send to 


Inquiries regarding specific activities taking place at any residency program should be directed to that program and not the AOCD office.   Programs

Student Paper Competition Requirements: The applicant must be a 3rd or 4th year medical student and an AOCD member in good standing with their DUES paid in full. If their dues have NOT been paid, the manuscript submitted will not be considered.  First place winners will be required to attend the conference to accept the award and give a 15-minute presentation on their topic.  More information

Our Live Events

Medical education conferences provide one of the most dynamic and exciting environments for physicians, resident physicians, student physicians and other medical professionals to learn, gain new skills, share ideas, socialize, and network. We kindly ask all attendees to be respectful of the time and space of all other conference attendees, including conference presenters and residency program directors. While we understand opportunities to network face-to-face have become more challenging to find due to recent world events, the top priority of our medical education conference is to provide an excellent environment in which all attendees can obtain new knowledge and skills.  We provide multiple social events including a student/residency program meet and greet.  (please see the conference schedule for dates, times & location). We hope you will take part in these great opportunities for networking and socializing with other attendees.  Check out our upcoming meetings 




Membership in the AOCD is more than just a title. We provide a combination of assistance, education and advocacy.  Members are encouraged to take full advantage of these benefits.   The benefits of AOCD membership will help today, tomorrow, and throughout your entire career. From professional development opportunities to knowing that your interests are protected at the highest levels of policy.     The AOCD provides organized promotion of the profession of dermatology.  We provide approximately 50 hours of approved continuing medical education in dermatology each year, and we provide timely information through the AOCD Newsletter and  the Thursday Bulletin.   All members must maintain satisfactory moral and ethical standards with the exception of honorary and affiliate members who do not hold the D.O. degree.


The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology is committed to providing an extensive online on-demand CME experience.

The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.  “AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™.”

The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association to provide Category 1A osteopathic continuing medical education for physicians.  


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AOCD Membership
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